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Pure Tone Audiometry Test

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Pure Tone Audiometry Test

Hearing, in a considerable way, determines the quality of one’s life; more so because it forms an integral part of the communication process.

Despite the medical advancements and availability of desired treatments, hearing impairments often remain hidden and unnoticed for far too long. The lack of awareness often takes the patients to isolation and frustration.

An effective hearing assessment technique, Pure Tone Audiometry has surfaced in the recent years is discussed below.

What is a Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) Test?

Pure Tone Audiometry is a behavioural test which is used to measure hearing sensitivity. The hearing test involves the peripheral and central nervous systems and is used to obtain a quantitative and qualitative analysis of a patient’s hearing wherein the frequency range that’s tested lies between 125 and 8000 Hz.

The hearing evaluation is conducted by an audiologist and decides the threshold hearing levels of patients, thereby understanding the configuration, degree and type of hearing loss.

As such, the test is subjective and depends on how the patient responds to the tone stimulus.

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